Metatronic Life and Healing

Who is Metatron?

Metatron is the essence of sacred geometry, expressed in the form of light inviting us toward consciousness, where we can choose to live in a state of wholeness, health, and joy.

What is Metatron’s Promise?

“To lift the unconscious story from the body’s cellular memory and activate the heart center.”

“My experience of Metatronic Healing is that it is profound and deep. It is somehow able to access the very energies of Creation and apply them super-sensitively and intelligently to act in our whole being – body, mind and spirit – in whichever ways we can hold. This begins a significant process of helping us to identify patterns we may have been unaware of, which have unconsciously woven together to contribute to whatever problems we are addressing – either recent – or with roots in the far, far distance. It can expand our awareness greatly, enabling us to release any negative ‘charges’ we may hold on to around our ‘life stories’, helping to change previous perspectives that may have held us back. This Healing process assists us to let go of what no longer serves us, creating space within and between our cells to store creative, healing energies in their place. This is the specific intention behind this beautiful Healing modality. It can bring benefits of the deepest awareness of our previously untapped potential, awakening a sense of Grace and Presence within, from which all healing is possible.” Participant’s comment

Metatronic healing tools provide support in specific ways when the natural flow of life forces are blocked by patterns in the body. These are a few examples ~

to reconnect where there is a disconnect
to strengthen where there is a weakness
to release conditioning that creates a problem
to release negative emotions resulting from conditioning
to release mental positioning the emotional reactivity creates
to re harmonize and retune system to a more aligned and true state

Healing is about transformation and directly impacts the nervous system, immune resilience and overall energy performance. Deep healing within allows us to engage with outer healing, by addressing the root source of the healing process, not just physical symptoms. This allows energetic systems to gently access pathways, with potentially long lasting effects after sessions. It’s as if you have energy in the background working on your behalf behind the scenes for you to engage in a healthy, enjoyable life.

How we respond or adapt to change is a personal choice, especially during times when we feel anxious, disengaged, alone, disoriented, overwhelmed or unable to cope in some way. NOW is always the right time. Natural wellness will support you before symptoms show up, although you can address or resolve issues by giving yourself the tools you need to completely heal wounds causing discomfort or pain. Each tool is powerful alone, with a simplicity and a depth of healing, never realized possible until very recently. In combination, these tools give you a unique personal healing as an individual, reflecting where you’ve come from and where you’d like to go from here, on a healing path supported safely, just right for you.

True healing begins when we are able to start peeling back layers to find our way back to the essence of who we are–without all the stories, cultural structures, and societal perspectives defining all of that for us. These influences are so strong that they seem to become the very fabric of who we are. We cease to notice how they take hold within us because they become a part of us. But, quite simply, they are not!

How do we begin the journey back? To heal and become whole again, we need to remove those lines obscuring the true essence of who we are underneath the layers of protection, to free all the baggage keeping us small, stuck, fearful to shine once more. It’s empowering to choose how you want to change yourself and live your life. For example, giving yourself permission to go slow or to simply feel what is coming to the surface, allowing yourself space to open supportively. With many of our wounds coming
at unprecedented rates lately, it’s a relief to have healing begin to sooth the raw, broken, vulnerabilities.

Wholeness is an experience of coming home to yourself when you pause to regain a sense of all of you and soften to notice where you’ve been working too hard with one aspect of yourself in order to expand into fullness naturally. Ask yourself where can you soften and lean in with your awareness. Have you seen someone perform with every part of themselves fully open, engaged moment to moment, unfiltered? It’s inspiring! What would it be like if we surrounded ourselves with others who are shining brightly too?

To heal in all directions we access the heart and the then the rest will follow, surprisingly deep and long lasting. You will notice and feel the difference immediately.

Lynn Kenny, Feldenkrais and Metatronic Practitioner

I had an ideal outcome in mind when I began my healing journey. I wanted, like most of us, to create a healthy, productive and enjoyable life. As I met obstacle after obstacle of life changing and challenging circumstances, I was called into a different relationship with my healing path to learn how to become whole in my awakening. I had to learn to set aside my expected outcomes. I had to make lots more room for mystery. I had to learn how to “let go” and truly experience what it feels like to be vulnerable. I had to ask for support and to receive it, over and over again.

Although, I’ve always felt creative and loved the excitement AND freedom, my desire to express myself through challenges taught me to really learn how to engage with my blocks, including a deep seated fear of failure and not measuring up, keeping me stifled. I realized finally, I’m much more than what I could ever possibly imagineer on my own. THIS is where co creative collaborative is NOW arising in me, responsively.

A breath of fresh air is HERE for those ready to experience a new perspective, THIS way of being, if only for a few minutes a day. Sometimes, it quietly grows in the background and then become a resource unexpectedly when life becomes complicated. You will not even realize you had the capacity to stay aware and in touch with your true self, no longer repetitively stuck in outdated patterns of moving, thinking and feeling. Metatron’s promise has shown me how deep change is lasting, expanding and applicable in abundant ways. It’s alive. It always keeps growing. I call life a co creative process. Our tree of life only grows as full as the root system allows. A true sense of belonging with roots has branches where healthy connections are made possible. I have learned to nurture myself from this place, digging deeply to learn and accept I am simply “enough” to be here. I have always been “enough” to evolve on my life’s path. I’m thankful, supported by others around me. I consider THIS as one of many of life’s most precious gifts.

Why now?

I believe healing is necessary now at a deeper level because we are all being asked if to choose to transform ourselves within our collective consciousness. A personal challenge for each of us is to not continue “perpetrating the causes” and to become aware and awakened in order to make real and lasting changes. I’ve agreed to become part of the “solution” moving forward, in the simple ways I choose to move, energize and connect with my life forces to support others. I choose deep listening and to clear pathways. I follow my sovereign body wisdom. I choose light, love and joy.

Mary Blake, Spatial Dynamics and Metatronic Practitioner

I am offering both in person and zoom sessions from the comfort of your
of your own space. If you would like to sign up for a session, please let me
know as soon as possible to allow me to arrange my schedule to meet your needs.

“Thank you Mary!

Today’s session was sublime, thank you! I felt so at ease, so safe to not speak…. to relish the perfect beauty of just existing, without words, pure being ness. I was holding onto to every drop of spaciousness and remembrance of my soul’s essence that Metatron gave me before speaking.

It was such a blessing to be in your presence today. What wonder and love still comes to us!”

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