New Projects

I believe we are missing key aspects in our daily lives such as sustainability, inclusiveness and simplicity practices that are central to addressing how I offer to care for others and make recommendations for families. With these projects I will apply my skills and interests to increase my awareness and to promote wellness by examining cultural values and practices. I will create programs to enhance occupational performance with events as simple as cooking dinner, playing drums or building pyramids with children to notice what inherently exists or may be missing to support wellness. I will bring my tools as an OT to children and caregivers whom I hope to influence by working collaboratively. This in turn will impact how I make recommendations in my therapy practice.  I am reminded: “It takes a whole village to raise a child”!

Doctor Rasta’s Tea House

Dr. Rasta's Tea HouseTherapeutic Dimensions®, PA welcomes “Doctor Rasta’s Tea House” to Vermont from the Caribbean Island of Jamaica!

Visit Doctor Rasta’s store on Etsy!

Our gift to you is to share the healing traditions rooted in deep culture honoring the medicine of profound sacred wisdom from our heart to yours.

In a beautifully supported space we invite you to unfold with us and shine as a perfectly designed healthier version of your own body’s expression. We craft our own natural tea and real juices with hand made tools and ingredients. Practicing gentle and playful movements we will rejuvenate and expand your senses in harmony with the rhythm of your daily life.

Irie Mountain Healing Arts Collaborative

Irie Mountain BlessedIrie Mountain Blessed, where life meets us again and gives us back our instinctual senses.

Are your senses informing you? Are you moving into the space around you and connecting to enliven yourself right now?

Simply make the whole world your playground ~ the rhythm of each day is set forth by the traditions of the people who have lived their lives in community for generations. Everyone is taken care of as one family. Each individual finds a natural role by taking part in this process ~ study how permaculture and community work together harmoniously!

Irie Mountain Healing Arts Collaborative ~ Irie means life!

Participants share their talents and skills over the course of a week long visit by forming a team to work on a plan, organize, set up and host cultural activities such as movement and prayer, gathering, foraging and cooking natural foods, crafts, games, sports and movement, music, dance art, and storytelling!

The project is hosted at the peak of a mountaintop in a remote community of Jamaica, W.I. Our endeavor is to enhance each other’s sense of life and participate with respect for all of life from the rising of the sun in the morning over the mountaintop to watching the setting of the sun each day with a panoramic view of the Caribbean Sea.

Click here to find out more about the project and how you can help us.

Click here to read more about our March Intensive program.

Therapeutic Community Connections

Laughing Waters

A Community Connections grant proposal.

Play, leisure and recreation “action” research project and development of networking, creative arts and wellness education within communities and family settings.

  • Lifestyle and creative discipline practices
  • Simple, sensible, social games and interactions
  • Inspired play, practical arts and activities of daily living
  • Collaborative community and interactions to support wellness

Click here to read the Therapeutic Community Connections grant proposal.

Click here to learn about Action Research Projects

Please click here to learn more about our Therapeutic Farm Programs.

of a 9 year old
It is AMAZING to see her on her horse. I totally know what you mean about being centered and at home – you can see it in her entire being and energy. It was such a fabulous day. Please never underestimate the profound impact that your work is having for my daughter and her family (me). I feel that you and your work are truly a blessing and I am eternally grateful for this.
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