Health care and wellness ~ 2017
Therapeutic Dimensions™ offers therapy services in Phases
to allow families, care providers and children to learn and experience a new expression of their fullest potential. Each 3 month Phase has 12 and 6 week options to ensure depth with balance of your family’s rhythms within your community.
We’re nearing the halfway mark of our Phase l program and gracefully approaching our Phase ll cycle with new strength.
This is the time for you to plan for the coming year and to learn about your health care benefit options during “open enrollment” season. Make sure you check your employer’s or your own insurance plan’s programs to learn how to shop for a package that is affordable and fits your family’s needs and supports your personal wellness priorities and commitments.
When you choose an out of network specialist in your area (close to your home) who has advanced credentials and works holistically (integrating child, family and community) be sure to communicate your priorities as you’re selecting your insurance plan and working with your primary care physician.
A few of the key advanced credentials I’ve earned for your consideration are certifications in Simplicity Parenting and Collaborative Counseling, Spacial Dynamics, Sensory Integration and Pediatric OT (through intensive peer review and evidence based research). Please prepare and plan ahead for your healthcare and wellness (investigational practices) to guarantee your own results. By advocating and caring for your healing you’ll be receiving the care you’re sharing in daily life.
If you or your child’s teacher would like to request a home or classroom observation and discuss a plan of care for Phase ll (starting in January 2017) now is the best time to set up a phone consultation to discuss your needs. Current clients will find the steps uploaded to their client portal for planning ahead and preparing for this coming year’s Phases <3 Mary
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