Dear Clients ~
Quite simply ~ your children are a daily inspiration ~ thank you for the opportunity to continue to build our work together ~ everyone has shared their enduring love with many rewarding stories and successes. We’ve reached many milestones this year and are now starting to feel more settled in at “home” living and working in our new community at Cobb Hill!
We enjoy the indoor and outdoor play spaces and engaging fully with all of our senses. Most every day we play outside in the woods ~ Raphel has constructed many fabulous ropes survival courses including a mini teepee he began building at the Treehouse with the children. We realize how fortunate we are and we fully appreciate how transitions are a natural part of life. Nature has provided a perfect opportunity for us to grow together while moving through change processes!
Thank you to everyone for supporting your child with us during our move to Cobb Hill as we begin Therapeutic Dimensions® Phase ll December – February. During this time we hope to gain clarity and re assess our progress together while maintaining programs for home and school collaboration. Some clients may chose to continue weekly sessions. Many clients chose to take a break to integrate and practice applying new skills across settings during Therapeutic Dimensions® Phase ll. The seasonal rhythms correspond positively when we allow ourselves to create intentional space for restoration while practicing how to bring new skills into our daily lives.
Therapeutic Dimensions® Phases Program is original and follows these principles:
- Yearly
- Seasonal
- Sequenced
- Applications
- Learning as play
- Small doable steps
- For sensory processing
A few important reminders forTherapeutic Dimensions® Phases families:
1.) Please call your insurance plan to update us with any changes to your 2016 coverage benefits
2.) Please review your Goals Chart and note any changes on vCita regarding your child’s progress
3.) Please let us know your preferences for number of sessions, days and times of the week for Therapeutic Dimensions® Phase ll
Also, let us know if you would like help finding appointments that fit with your schedule this Season.
Appointments are pre-arranged within an 8 – 12 week period over the next 2 – 3 months.
Mary has availability for new clients, however we recommend contacting us as soon as possible so we can help you find and reserve sessions before 1/6/16 that will work best for our returning clients and families.
Therapeutic Dimensions® offers an online service called Vcita for scheduling, billing and communication that we hope will make this process professional and convenient for our clients. You may call (802) 299-2494 or email or send us payments or documents by fax or US mail to Therapeutic Dimensions, PA. P. O. Box 44 WRJ, VT 05001.
We are appreciative of your assistance in updating your child’s file and your timely payments at this time.
We thank you for your commitment and everything you do and we look forward to sharing the beautiful and continuous unfolding of your child’s progress in 2016. As always, we are more than happy to assist you in learning, cultivating joy and growing to expressing ourselves together everyday in healthy movement <3
Fondly, Mary Blake, Director.