Fall Phases Letter

Dear families,

It has simply been an amazing summer season for us all ~

Phases is our “signature” way of celebrating the natural changes of the seasons.

The beginning of September marks the start of school and Phase I at Therapeutic Dimensions®.

We hope you’ll join us to celebrate the end of summer as we prepare for our transition together into Fall.

Mary will be hosting parent/care provider meetings August 18th and 20th from 2 pm – 6 pm and Saturday August 22nd 9 am – noon to share and review progress and to define goals for the upcoming Fall Phase.

This will be an open house format and will be informative as well as a social opportunity for those families and children who wish participate in our  “drop in” back to school “survival” camp. “  We welcome you to contact us with the approximate date and time you would like to attend so we know how to support the needs of the group. Alternatively, you are also encouraged to set up a phone consultation with Mary.

“Activities, exercises and demonstrations of skilled movement, games, dance, circus, music, storytelling, crafts, natural juices, teas, foods, plants & animals will be offered in our work to support healthy bodies and daily living practices. We’ll naturally replace habitual patterns and remove hindrances of dis ease by inviting one another into a process of re organizing our sensory map and creating a new body orientation to emerge.  

It will be a fun, social, active and supportive therapeutic adventure!”

A few important reminders for Therapeutic Dimensions® “Phases” families ~

Please check your client portal if you have not yet received a copy of the “OT Developmental Skills Chart” with instructions. This information will become your child’s “ Goals Chart”  and will help us keep track of functional progress. Please bring this with notes of any changes to review your child’s progress. If you have not yet done so, please upload your child’s School reports into your portal for Mary to review.   

Also, please let us know if you would like help finding appointments that fit with your schedule this Fall.

Appointments are pre-arranged within a 12 week period over the next 3 – 4 months.

Mary has availability for new clients, however we recommend contacting us as soon as possible so we can help you find and reserve sessions before 8/21 that will work best for returning clients and families.

You will receive an invitation for the first session for your child’s fall schedule in your portal. By confirming the first appointment starting the week of September 1 before (August 21s) you’ll secure your preferred time slot and day of the week. We will then send you repeated weekly sessions through December 2015.

Therapeutic Dimensions® offers an online service called vCita www.vcita.com/v/therapeuticdimensions for scheduling, billing and communication that we hope will make this process professional and convenient for our clients. You may call (802) 299-2494 email sarahhealy@therapeuticdimensions.org or send us payments or documents by fax or US mail to Therapeutic Dimensions, PA. P. O. Box 44 WRJ, VT 05001.

We are appreciative of your assistance in updating your child’s file and your timely payments at this time.

We thank you for your commitment and everything you do and we look forward to sharing the beautiful and continuous unfolding of your child’s progress. As always, we are more than happy to assist you in learning to cultivating joy and growing into expressing ourselves everyday in healthy movement <3

Very warmly yours,

Sarah Healy, Administrative Assistant.


Mary Blake, Director.
