It sometimes surprises people when they hear from me, the "Simplicity Guy," that I am not necessarily anti screen for kids. With so much reliable information coming out about the harmful effects of screen use on our kid's social, emotional and brain development, should we not just stop exposing our kids to these dangers altogether… Read More


Health care and wellness ~ 2017

Health care and wellness ~ 2017 Therapeutic Dimensions™ offers therapy services in Phases to allow families, care providers and children to learn and experience a new expression of their fullest potential. Each 3 month Phase has 12 and 6 week options to ensure depth with balance of your family's rhythms within your community. We're nearing the halfway mark… Read More

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“Still Moving” from Mary Blake

Still moving ~ do you feel the space around you as you move and are you connecting to what's there to enliven yourself through your senses right now? What happens when you engage this way with your child who may be slowly learning to integrate and perceive their surroundings using their senses to newly express… Read More


The Pentathlon 2016

As a Spatial Dynamics trained and certified judge I model leadership with over 300 people from USA and Canada. Approximately eight schools and up to 150 children with their teachers and supporting staff participate. Judges have experience both in the art and science of observing, applying and practicing each technique, modeling objectivity. The skills and training… Read More